Community Outreach

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?

Isaiah 6:8

Assist with organizing, sorting, packaging food items for Family Food Boxes that will be distributed at different times throughout the year to bless families in need in our community. Volunteers may sign up to participate when the event is open.
Let’s hit the streets! We are ambassadors for Christ and have been commissioned to take salvation to those that don’t know Jesus and fill God’s house by inviting people to church via door-to-door outreach and other evangelism initiatives. Volunteers may sign up to participate when the event is open.
Visit local senior/nursing facilities to share the love of God by providing encouragement, doing crafts and activities with residents and more. This ministry serves at designated times throughout the year that are announced in church.
Assist with organizing, sorting, packaging school supplies and backpacks to bless children whose families are in need with school supplies to start the school year strong. School supplies and backpacks will be distributed the month each new school year begins. Volunteers may sign up to participate when the event is open.